I guess I should go back to how it started... My sister was going to a boxing gym in Mississauga a about a month ago, and was looking for some essential oils for me. She came across this little shop; extremely tiny but full of treasures and trinkets for the spiritual soul. Anyway. My sister wandered in and remembering that I was on the hunt for a Tibetan singing bowl. And oh do they sell them! The man in the shop was from Ireland and promptly told the sis a whole bunch of stuff about herself. Long story short, she came out with a singing bowl for the 'third eye' chakra, which he demanded was the right fit for me (she showed him a pic).
A month later, I was still intrigued by this healer. He doesn't use tarot cards, he just knows. So I booked an appointment for 'energy healing' not knowing a thing about it, and went down to Mississauga. I honestly thought it was going to be sitting in a chair while he told me a bunch of stuff. It ended up being sooo much better!! So in the back of the tiny shop, down two sets of stairs and into a dark room we go. There is soft Tibetan music playing and a massage table lying in the center. Four chains are attached to form a pyramid around the table and go from ceiling to floor. Whoa. Totally interesting. Kind of scary. But hey, this could be cool.
So, I had to remove my rings and bracelets so that they wouldn't conflict with the energy. Awesome. Next is to lie down face up on this table and get covered with a big fuzzy blanket. Two 'sticks' (pretty sure they were made of stone) were placed in my hands and incense was put on. I was so excited! (he could likely tell haha). It's normal to experience different sensations; you could feel hot or parts of your body would start to shake. It all means something.
Now. Getting back to the 'chakras'. The human body has 7 major chakras, or points of energy on ones body. There are 21 minor chakras, and ..get this... 72 000, yep, micro chakras. So this lovely gent was pretty in tune on the subject. I think he mentioned he was a reiki master at age 6 and has been all over the world and is certified in pretty much anything metaphysical. So highly intelligent. He also has a photographic memory!
Ok. So I am lying down with a blanky and two stone sticks in my hands staring up at the ceiling which is adorned with flags in the seven colours of the chakras, and a few dreamcatchers. So he starts by telling me about this nanotechnology wand he will be using and a few of the crystals. He places a crystal on my forehead and right away my left hand started to shake. 'Aha' he said...'you will do well in a career with your hands. Specifically a healer.' hmmmm. He continues through the session with much crystals placed all over, wand waving, incense waving, and this neat breath thing. He said I could feel like I was choking. Alrighty then. So he bowed his head to mine and did some cool breathing stuff and my breathing did shorten. It was so calm and fascinating, and I was on such a high that I just loved every second. Oh yeah. He mentioned it would be the fastest and best high of my life. Now. I have never really experienced a 'high' from anything. I get tired, but not oh wow I totally can feel the effects! Perhaps it's my love for life and passion for multiple things that I am already at a very high state. Who knows. Anyway. I was feeling good during the session. Very good. But it really hit me about ten minutes after. Wow. It was like the best feeling of my life and I'm pretty sure I can still feel it. It is a high that makes you feel full and purposeful and healthy. It made me feel full of vitality, and content yet yearning. It was so many new feelings. Each wonderful.
So It is a pretty peaceful ceremony. He would place his hands on my head and ask questions. He was waving his wand over my stomach and he asked if I was into herbs and organics. Why yes, I replied. Something about some energy field in my intestine gave it away I guess. He knew I had an open mind, and he knew that I sucked at meditating. Grumble. He knew I had interrupted sleeping patterns (I sleepwalk every night almost). He said I was deficient in magnesium, too. He said I was holding a lot of grief in my stomach from a recent death in the family, so he worked that out. He worked on some overactive gland and balanced out my energy. Apparently I have REM in my left hand, stomach, and right eye. He placed some singing bowls on me and that was REALLY cool :)
He concluded the session with him 'breathing for me' and telling me that the energy coming from my left hand was phenomenal. He told me that I was a born healer with my hands and told me to please not waste this 'gift'. Interesting ending words. There was a small consultation after and then it was over. Just like that.
The things he said, the way I felt, the whole atmosphere was enlightening. It wasn't like going to a psychic where they'd predict things. His method was based on what would feel right with your energy. He did mention people and he described them very accurately, and he would tell me about how they were affecting my life. Keep in mind, reiki and energy healing is not a religious practice. An open mind is required. I would highly recommend a session. It really was the best experience of my life.
You can read more about chakras here: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-91/The-7-Chakras-for-Beginners.html
I'm a newbie to this, but feel free to ask questions about energy healing :)
Peace and Energy xo